Leona chose TRHL for her recovery following a series of falls and surgery for three brain bleeds

Leona Spruiell and her husband have always been very active. Married for thirteen years, they enjoy reading and going on cruises (their favorite was an Alaskan cruise with Charles Stanley. The couple has also been very involved at their church, First Church of the Nazarene in Abernathy, where Leona played the piano.

Leona had been playing the piano the day their new pastor was installed at the church. She recalls that after playing, she fell when walking off the platform, hitting her head and breaking her glasses. After the service, Leona went to Lubbock Heart & Surgical Hospital to get checked out. She underwent a CT scan and was discharged with no concerns.

A few days later, Leona fell again, this time on her patio. Her pastor came by to help her up. Though her knee hurt, Leona recalls feeling fine otherwise. But after a few more days, Leona fell once more at church. Again, her pastor came to her rescue, but Leona didn’t feel the need to seek medical attention.

Prone to sleepwalking, Leona tripped over her shoe just days before Christmas. Still, her only complaint was some pain in her knee. Then, Leona and her husband each fell while in their backyard, tripping on a hole.

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